Chris Lauzen Republican for Congress, 14th Congressional District, Illinois
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Issues Facing the 14th Congressional District : Lauzen for Congress Committee
Issues Facing the 14th Congressional District
Senator Lauzen discusses key public policy issues in a series of proposals. Please click below to learn more about where Senator Lauzen stands, and check back often as he continues to roll out platforms on important issues.
Issue Topics

Lauzen for Congress Committee : Issue Topics
Better Solutions for Waste Disposal

Modernizing Our Energy Policy
1/11/2008  -  Energy policy must promote safety, innovation and economic growth...

Veterans' Affairs - "First Among Equals"
1/11/2008  -  Our sensitive human spirit cannot witness the harsh realities of war...

My Personal Statement of Faith

National Security - Support Our Troops and Honor Our Veterans
12/27/2007  -  The United States Constitution vests the federal government with the solemn and unique responsibility to secure America from foreign threats ...

Traditional Family - A Foundation for Freedom
12/21/2007  -  No amount of government involvement can make up for the destruction of the American family.

Keep Access and Information Flow Over the Internet Tax-Free
12/6/2007  -  As a CPA and small business tax specialist, I believe that the Internet is a valuable tool to build both business and personal networks. It should be left unfettered from new and crippling taxes that would curb communications between people ...

Illegal Immigration: Secure Our Borders, Oppose Amnesty, and Cut Funding for Sanctuary Cities
11/30/2007  -  Tough talk on immigration is no substitute for a proven record of effective leadership...

Reducing Our Tax Burden - Three Stages of Reform
Having spent twenty-five years preparing taxes for working Americans, I am painfully sensitive to the hardships that the Internal Revenue Code has created for employers and families alike.

Health Care - Choice, Flexibility and Accountability
We need to enact smart, sensible reform policies that give individuals full ownership over their health care dollars and decisions.

American Competitiveness – Unleashing Our Nation’s Spirit
America's freedom is uniquely characterized by the unparalleled opportunity we have to realize our dreams. Today, we face greater challenges than ever before, both at home and from abroad.

Prairie Parkway
My recommendation is that we should support a plan that proponents call "47-Plus". Instead of spending $207M currently budgeted on a 5-mile stretch of parkway road with additional preparatory work north of that, we should fund work on a whole local r

Federalism - Understanding the Federal Government's Function
Federalism refers to the concept that power is divided between the federal government and the states. I believe that the role of the federal government should be limited, well-defined and consistent with the principles established in the ...

Respect for Life
I am pro-life because abortion hurts women physically and psychologically, and it destroys an innocent human being.

First, Do No Harm
This column was written on January 08, 2007. Recent news stories on scientific advancements in stem-cell research...

Preserving the Integrity of the Second Amendment
When the patriarchs of our young nation debated certain inalienable rights, one leading figure eloquently stated the following: "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself...

Legal Reform
Our nation’s legal system is based on deeply rooted constitutional principles and traditional ideals which serve as a beacon for justice throughout the world. And while the framework that we have in place remains a model for emerging democracies...

What they're saying about Chris Lauzen...

Senator Lauzen is one of the few individuals in political life, whom I have come in direct contact with, who is still about representing those who elected him rather than fulfilling a personal agenda.

             - Sue

Contribute to Chris Lauzen's Run for CongressNews

Lauzen Statement on Oberweis’ FairTax Charges
Lauzen for Congress Press Release

Lauzen Sets the Record Straight on Oberweis’ Erroneous Attack Ads
Lauzen for Congress Press Release

Endorsements for Chris Lauzen for Congress
*NEW*Republican National Coalition for Life Endorses Lauzen!

Jim Oberweis, Chris Lauzen, face off with heated words
Beacon News Debate Scorecard -
Rick Nagel: Winner Lauzen
Denise Crosby: Winner Lauzen
Dave Parro: Winner Lauzen

Lauzen Endorsed by NIU's Northern Star
"Lauzen a Strong Choice"

Lauzen Gets Fitzgerald's Support
Sun-Times News Group Suburban Chicago Newspapers

Chris Lauzen Republican for Congress 14th Congressional District, Illinois
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Paid for by Lauzen for Congress

Lauzen for Congress Campaign Office
955 Oak Street
North Aurora, IL 60542

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